Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Falconstar firmly believes in a nation first policy. For us philanthropy is about channelizing surplus resources in a responsible social manner after meeting our obligations. We are committed to strengthening the Indian social fabric. Our actions and resources will be channelized towards helping the country in delivering to its full potential. As an entrepreneurial organization, our formula for CSR has a 3 pronged focus, with our resources being channelized for maximum positive impact in following areas.

  • वीर भोग्य वसुंधरा : “The Brave Shall Inherit the Earth”. There cannot be a greater karma than fighting for one’s motherland. Similarly, there cannot be a better cause for charity than to support the brave hearts who have signed up their lives for this worthy cause. Our preferred mode of contribution is to support Indian armed forces through official defense funds.

  • Celebrating Achievement: Opportunity has nothing to do with ability and hence keeping in mind the fact that there are many deserving achievers who need more resources to realize their potential, we award selective financial aid to young leadership talent in need of a helping hand. By providing young achievers with rewards and recognition we promote a culture of meritocracy and excellence.

  • Sustainable Eco-Development: The best way to progress as a society is to support sustainable eco-friendly infrastructure developmental which eliminates the evils of modern living of pollution and stress. We support initiatives being taken by charitable organizations in India to develop islands of excellence in rural areas, close to nature with organic farming, yoga lifestyle and clean energy.

Through the financial contribution to the above causes we express sincere gratitude and thankfulness to all our stakeholders and society at large.